Virtual reality also supports you in the therapy of eating disorders.

Eating disorders and VR therapy

You could work on the following topics, among others:
Buffet, Cupcakes
If you have bulimia, develop strategies to combat impulsive eating. You could use the 3P technique used for addiction to treat food as well.
The target weight can be experienced on a virtual scale. This way you can increase motivation in your patients.
Waage, Essstörungen
Pizza, abgebissen
In the case of anorexia, you can practice eating high-calorie foods with your patients.
You can use a virtual mirror to simulate the changed body image. This can help your patients overcome their fear of change.
Spiegelbild Avatar
Please note that the screenshots from the software cannot reproduce the extremely realistic impression in the VR glasses.

New Interactive Software

Patients are in a room with a long buffet table, where they can pick up food and even eat virtually.

They can also stand on a scale and experience different body weights and also look at the changed body in the mirror.
Buffet, Junkfood

Calorie-dense foods

The patients are in a large room with several buffet tables. The tables are filled with a variety of calorie-dense foods. Ranging from cakes to fries, burgers, and pizza.
Griller, Fleisch

At the Grill

Outside on the terrace, there are two grills. They can be opened, and the crispy meat can be taken out.
Buffet, Obst und Gemüse

Fruit and Vegetables on the Table

But there are also alternatives: For example, different fruits and vegetables on one table.
Pizza abgebissen

Bite into Pizza

A technical feature: All food items can not only be held in virtual hands but even eaten. To do this, you bring the food to your mouth, which automatically triggers chewing and swallowing sounds, and with each bite, the food visibly decreases.
Buffet, Karotte


The chewing sounds are tailored to each food item. A carrot sounds different, for example, than a donut.
Waage, Anzeige


Another technical highlight is the scale. The patient's weight can be entered into the software, and it will appear on the scale. You can also enter a target weight to visualize this goal on the virtual scale, providing motivation.
Spiegelbild 58kg
Spiegelbild 68kg

Mirror Image 58/68 Kilos

And there’s more: the mirror reflection in front of the scale adapts to the entered weight. Here’s an example of a man at 58 kilograms with a target weight of 68 kg.
VR-Coach Michael Altenhofer

Test these contents for free and then use them with the affordable annual subscription!

For eating disorders:


        • Room with buffet table: 199 euros incl. VAT per year

For depression:


        • Park: 299 euros incl. VAT per year.


        • Green alpine meadow: 29 euros incl. VAT per year.
        • Mountain lake panorama: 29 euros inc. VAT per year.
        • Alpine pasture with cows: 29 euros incl. VAT per year.
        • Grain field: 29 euros incl. VAT per year.

For compulsions:


        • Room with bookshelves: 99 euros incl. VAT per year.
        • Room with magazines: 99 euros incl. VAT per year.
        • Train station hall: 99 euros incl. VAT per year.
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VR Coach® smart system

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