You can also benefit from virtual reality therapy when treating compulsions

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Compulsion Szenarien

The Compulsion Scenarios

We add new scenarios several times a year.

VR-Coach Michael Altenhofer

Test these contents for free and then use them with the affordable annual subscription!

For compulsions:


        • Room with bookshelves: 99 euros incl. VAT per year.
        • Room with magazines: 99 euros incl. VAT per year.
        • Train station hall: 99 euros incl. VAT per year.

For depression:


        • Park: 299 euros incl. VAT per year.


        • Green alpine meadow: 29 euros incl. VAT per year.
        • Mountain lake panorama: 29 euros inc. VAT per year.
        • Alpine pasture with cows: 29 euros incl. VAT per year.
        • Grain field: 29 euros incl. VAT per year.

For eating disorders:


        • Room with buffet table: 199 euros incl. VAT per year
Order form

Supported by

VR Coach® smart system

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We will be happy to get in touch with you soon!

Your VR Coach team

Would you also like to test our content for Depression, Eating disorders and Compulsions for free?


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