Mindfulness and
Cognitive Bias Modification
for depression

Exposure in VR glasses can also provide helpful support for depression.
Logo VRCoach Depressions 2023

Depressions and the
VR Coach smart system

Unlike fears and addictions, here we do not provoke the problematic emotion, but instead focus on strengthening resources.

We have published a brief review with initial evidence on this approach.


The depression software package is based on a completely new approach.

Therapeutic Goals

Reconditioning the distortion of reality outside
Create access to resources inside

In general, we see this application as helpful for the following indications:

  1. Mild and moderate depression
  2. As an add-on for severe depression
  3. But also for other topics where strengthening resources can be helpful

We will provide a recommended application protocol upon request.

Insights into the software

Click through some screenshots of the application here and get first impressions of the exercises through the image descriptions.
The starting point is this fountain in a park
Patients look for beautiful places and describe them in detail
You can go on a photo hunt with a virtual camera. Some flowers begin to bloom when you photograph them
It's also worth taking a look at the clouds: every now and then you can see interesting patterns
Animals also contain resources that need to be recognized
Some patients feel a desire to move even during exposure. This boat allows you to row out on the lake
Discovering what is hidden is also practiced here. Can your patients manage to find all the chess pieces in the park?
At the end, your patient looks at all the images taken and assigns resources to them.
Around 50 boards with words that are placed on the pictures are helpful. Afterwards, your patient closes his eyes and tries to locate and expand certain resources within himself.
As a special surprise, you can print the patient's favorite picture on a photo printer.

NEW! Now with additional content.

Four immersive 360-degree films

Almwiese ohne Kühe
Green alpine meadow
Bergsee Panorama
Mountain lake panorama
Almwiese mit Kühe
Alpine pasture with cows
Grain field

A recent study shows that 360-degree films with natural landscapes and animals can also significantly reduce depressive symptoms.1)

1) Willfort, Manuel „Entspannung mit Virtual-Reality-Naturexposition“, master’s thesis at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna, 2023
VR-Coach Michael Altenhofer

Test these contents for free and then use them with the affordable annual subscription!

For depression:


        • Park: 299 euros incl. VAT per year.


        • Green alpine meadow: 29 euros incl. VAT per year.
        • Mountain lake panorama: 29 euros inc. VAT per year.
        • Alpine pasture with cows: 29 euros incl. VAT per year.
        • Grain field: 29 euros incl. VAT per year.

For compulsions:


        • Room with bookshelves: 99 euros incl. VAT per year.
        • Room with magazines: 99 euros incl. VAT per year.
        • Train station hall: 99 euros incl. VAT per year.

For eating disorders:


        • Room with buffet table: 199 euros incl. VAT per year
Order form

Supported by

VR Coach® smart system

Thank you for your inquiry!

We will be happy to get in touch with you soon!

Your VR Coach team

Would you also like to test our content for Depression, Eating disorders and Compulsions for free?


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