
All information regarding the subscription

Here you can find out everything about the VR Coach smart system subscription for the scenarios and 360-degree films.

The subscription starts immediately after you have completed the purchase in the shop. As soon as you have confirmed the payment, you then have access to the scenarios and films in the therapist software, which you have ordered.

The subscription is always billed in advance for one month on the first of the month. If you take out a subscription during a month, you will be billed to that day in that month. This amount is then due to be paid immediately.

You can cancel any subscription up to and including the penultimate day of a month. From the last day of the month, the subscription will be extended by one month. You can cancel by clicking on the cancellation button in your customer account. Alternatively, you can send an email to info@vr-coach.at.

Supported by

VR Coach® smart system

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Your VR Coach team

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