Registration for training
to the Certified VR Coach®

  • The Cert VR Coach training course can be completed once a year live in Vienna or online at any time.
  • The online version is available in English or German. After registering, you will haveaccess to all webinars and scripts.
  • Registration starts on March 30, 2021. At this time, the dates for the live course in Vienna in autumn 2021 will also be announced here.
  • The duration of the live training is three days (Fri-Sun). The online training can be completed in less time and depends on your own pace.

The price is
1440,- Euro incl. VAT

Supported by

VR Coach® smart system

Thank you for your inquiry!

We will be happy to get in touch with you soon!

Your VR Coach team

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Wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich für unser VR-Coach® smart system interessieren.