
Speaking in front of an audience is one of the greatest fears of all! Young people also suffer from anxiety when they are evaluated by teachers or classmates. In this scenario, exactly such situations are faced.

Treating social anxiety in adolescents

Being assessed by teachers can lead to anxiety disorders in some young people. In this scenario, assessment situations are faced in a classroom.

Description of the scenario

At the start of the scenario, the patients are in the entrance area of the classroom. The patient walks himself or teleports himself to the middle of the classroom by clicking on the controller. In front of him are typical school desks with teenage avatars. The avatars are so-called scanned avatars and are therefore images of real people, which increases graphic realism. A teacher sits next to the patient and observes him.

The patient can now, for example, start a lecture. The therapist can trigger different reactions from the audience during this time. Specifically:

  • Unrest
  • Laughter
  • Foreign shame gesture
  • Intensive eye contact with the patient

More features

  • An individual dialogue can be triggered between teacher and patient. The teacher’s texts can be defined by the therapist and written into the software.
  • The students can also speak texts set by therapists.
  • Patient can also write on the board.

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