A Lonely bay in Mallorca

$39.20 (excl. VAT) on the 1st of each month
'A Lonely bay in Mallorca' is also included in the All-in package!

To withdraw and leave everyday life behind is a great need for many. In this lonely bay on Mallorca this is absolutely possible! Your patient lets their eyes wander over the water and the small mountains on the horizon. Soothing music and the soft splashing of water will lead them into an ever-deeper state of relaxation.

An overview of the process

  1. Your patient is always in the same place.
  2. The rocky surroundings stand for protection and retreat.
  3. Besides the soft splashing of water, soothing music can be heard.

Total duration: Unlimited

$39.20 (excl. VAT) on the 1st of each month

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